New year wishes: Imam of Bordeaux grand mosque criticizes Maitre Gims Maitre Gims released a video earlier this year, criticizing Muslim fans for wishing him a happy new year.

(Morocco World News) Tareq Oubrou, the rector of the grand mosque of Bordeaux, France, has criticized Congolese-French rapper Maitre Gims after he called on his Muslim fans to stop sending him new year and birthday wishes, considering the practice to be “un-Islamic.”

Gims’ remarks made headlines, angering some of his fans. Oubrou criticized the French singer in an interview with BFMTV.

For Oubrou, Maitre Gims does not have the legitimacy to speak in the name of Islam.

“Mr. Gims has every right not to like someone wishing him a happy new year, or even a good day, but to engage all Muslims and Islam is another matter. … He does not have the legitimacy to do so,” the imam said.

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