Canadian imam compares wishing Merry Christmas to congratulating murderers, pedophiles

(Breitbart) Canadian Imam Younus Kathrada in a recent sermon compared wishing people a Merry Christmas to congratulating murderers and pedophiles, as he called on Allah (God) to “humiliate the infidels” and “annihilate the heretics and atheists.”

In a speech delivered at the Muslim Youth of Victoria Islamic Center on Friday, radical Islamic scholar Younus Kathrada addressed the topic of holiday greetings toward non-Muslims during the Christmas season.

“Yeah, it’s Christmas season, and so many people ask: ‘Why should I not congratulate the people on this occasion?’” he told his audience.

The Islamic cleric concluded, “there is no such thing as an innocent congratulation,” before comparing such greetings to congratulating criminals and deviants.

“Would you congratulate a fornicator? Would you congratulate a murderer? Obviously not,” he said. “Would you congratulate a pedophile? Obviously not.”

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