Alleged terrorist group leader planned 2017 attack, ISIS gun trafficking, says prosecutor

(NL Times) The Public Prosecution Service (OM) suspects former Hofstadgroep member Samir A. of asking terrorist organization ISIS for explosives or weapons for an attack in the Netherlands in 2017.

That became clear in the court of Rotterdam on Friday. The 35-year-old A. appeared there with three other men. According to the OM, they collected money for women and children to get away from refugee and detention camps in the former ISIS territory in Syria. The foursome allegedly used a hawala banker. According to the OM, this was financing terrorism.

The OM successfully asked the court to postpone the entire criminal process. According to the prosecutor, new information from the FBI shows that A. had contact with Bilal el Marcochi in 2017. This Belgian man was the leader of the religious police for ISIS in Syria and married to the recently returned jihad bride Ilham B.

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