Alleged jihadist detained in seaside town of Cambrils Prisoner was frequently in contact with active terrorists and sought new followers

(Catalan News) Spanish police detained an alleged jihadist in the seaside town of Cambrils, in southern Catalonia, on Wednesday, as was announced this Friday. He had purportedly been trying to entice new followers using social media.

According to authorities, he was in close contact with several active terrorists and watched jihadist content, mainly ISIS executions and other terrorist actions.

The operation began in 2020 with police capturing two people in Ciudad Real, a Spanish city in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, 200 km south of Madrid. Authorities believe the three men have ties to one another.

Spain’s National Court, the “Audiencia Nacional,” which investigates and tries cases relating to organized crime, terrorism and international economic offenses, ordered his imprisonment on indoctrination charges.

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