German court finds former ‘IS’ member guilty of genocide A German court has found a former 'Islamic State' member guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity for the 2015 killing of a 5-year-old girl, sentencing him to life in prison.

(Deutsche Welle) Frankfurt’s Higher Regional Court on Tuesday found 29-year-old Taha A.-J. guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity resulting in death, sentencing him to life in prison.

The Frankfurt case is the first in the world to decide whether a former member of the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) group played a role in the attempted genocide of the Yazidi religious group.

The proceedings had to be briefly suspended as the defendant passed out when the verdict was read aloud in court.

What was the case about?

The prosecution of A.-J. relates to the death of a 5-year-old girl from dehydration in the summer of 2015. A.-J.’s wife Jennifer W. was jailed for 10 years in October after a court heard she had stood idly by as the child was left to die of thirst in the sun.

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