World’s first trial for genocide against Yazidis set to conclude in Germany

(Euronews) An unprecedented trial is due to end on Tuesday in Frankfurt, Germany.

Taha Al-J. is the first alleged jihadist prosecuted for genocide against the Yazidis.

The Kurdish-speaking minority was persecuted and enslaved by members of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) group in Iraq and in Syria, when jihadists controlled large swathes of the Middle Eastern countries’ territories.

An estimated 10,000 Yazidi people were killed in northern Iraq in the mass atrocities. About 7,000 Yazidi women and girls, some as young as nine, were enslaved and forcibly transferred to locations in Iraq and eastern Syria.

Prosecutors say Taha Al-J., a former IS member, enslaved a Yazidi girl and her mother in Iraq, then tortured and murdered the 5-year-old child in 2015.

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