Adel Haddadi: Would-be Paris attacker ‘caught in a moral dilemma’

(Radio France) Wednesday’s evidence at the Paris attacks trial focused for the second successive day on Adel Haddadi and Muhammed Usman, both accused of planning a terrorist action in France. They were stopped by Austrian police as they tried to cross Europe. The court heard from an officer who questioned the two men in the wake of their arrest.

“He seemed to me to be a man caught in a moral dilemma.” The man was Adel Haddadi. The opinion was offered by Tomas Pepper, a police officer attached to the Austrian Interior Ministry in Vienna. The dilemma was that of an individual sent unwillingly on a suicide mission by people of whom he was absolutely terrified.

On Wednesday, by means of a laborious and not always clear translation from the German, Pepper told the court the Austrian version of a story we have already heard from French police investigators.

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