Montreal jihadi who burned his Canadian passport allegedly held captive by al-Qaida affiliate in Syria In a notorious video, Sami Elabi douses his Canadian passport with flammable liquid, sets it on fire and then opens fire with an assault rifle

(National Post) A Canadian man who fought for the Islamic State — and starred in two of the terror group’s propaganda videos before quitting and disappearing — has been held captive by a militant group in Syria for more than a year, according to a local report.

A man using the battle name Safwan Al-Kanadi, but identified as Sami Elabi from Montreal, twice grabbed headlines in recent years, once when he burned and shot his Canadian passport on camera and the other when he said he quit the group, complaining, “There are no limits to the stupidity of the Islamic State.”

Last Thursday, an online report said Safwan Al-Kanadi, a nickname that takes on the designation “the Canadian,” has been held without charge since October 2020 by Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, an al-Qaida affiliate in Syria known as HTS.

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