Court hears of family life and terrorist trajectories of slain Bataclan killers

(Radio France) On Friday, the special criminal court in Paris continued to hear evidence of anonymous police investigators, this time on the terrorist careers of the three Bataclan killers: Sami Amimour, Ismaël Mostefaï and Fouad Mohamed Aggad.

Amimour appears to have become interested in Islam when he was still in school, using the internet as his source of information. His family date his radicalisation to 2012, during a time when he was attending a mosque in the northern Paris suburbs of Le Blanc-Mesnil.

Amimour told one of his sisters that France “was a country of unbelievers.” He left for the Syrian war zone in late 2013, having earlier tried to join a jihadist group in Somalia.

He returned via Belgium to take part in the November 2015 Paris massacres.

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