Mother of Bataclan attacker faces trial in Paris for ‘financing terrorism’

(Euronews) The mother of one of the 2015 Bataclan concert hall attackers is facing trial in Paris, accused of “financing terrorism.”

Fatima Hajji, 53, is charged with sending €13,000 to her son and his partner while they were in Iraq and Syria, between 2014 and 2015.

She was due to appear before the Paris Criminal Court on Thursday but the case has now been adjourned to March 2022 to give her more time to prepare her defence.

Hajji’s son — Foued Mohamed Aggad — was one of three suicide bombers who stormed the Paris theatre during the November 2015 terror attacks.

His partner Hajira Belkhir — who is presumed dead — is also being prosecuted for “terrorist criminal association.”

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