Bitter testimony from the Bataclan’s forgotten police heroes

(Radio France) Everyone knows about the heroism of the specialised BRI and RAID police units, the men who finally confronted the terrorists and saved the hostages at the Bataclan. But the bravery of the 17 men of the Paris Anti-Criminal Brigade (BAC 75N), who followed their commissioner into the attack, seems to have been forgotten.

Four of the 17 testified on Wednesday. Confusion abounded, they said.

Ordered to deal with a “situation” at the Bataclan, with rumours of explosions and shootings, the members of the unit found themselves sharing out insufficient safety gear.

They were then ordered to form-up and wait in the street, 200 metres from the Bataclan.

Their chief, the commissioner C, who can’t be identified for security reasons, sent a message from inside, telling his men that he needed help.

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