Refugee gets four years in prison for plotting terror attacks in Iran

(NL Times) An Iranian refugee living in Delft was sentenced to four years in prison on Wednesday. The court in Rotterdam found 42-year-old Eisa S. guilty of plotting and encouraging attacks in Iran carried out by resistance group ASMLA. “Terrorist activities for which there is no justification,” the judges ruled.

They also labeled ASMLA as a “criminal and terrorist organization” which S. participated in and helped finance. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) had previously requested a six-year prison term.

Authorities arrested S. early last year after the AIVD intercepted chat messages used to plan attacks against checkpoints, police stations, and engineers in Iran. Plots that were discussed and carried out included the attacks on the country’s Revolutionary Guard in September 2018 that left 25 people dead. Three ASMLA leaders were taken into custody in Denmark at the same time S. was arrested.

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