Terrorist from Evington jailed for internet rants and praise for violent extremists Mohammed Mahboobshah admitted encouraging terror attacks

(Leicester Mercury) An extremist who threatened acts of violence in his online rants has been jailed and labelled a terrorist.

Mohammed Mahboobshah, of Evington Valley Road, Leicester, was sentenced to two years and eight months behind bars for his online posts.

The 26-year-old was sentenced at Leicester Crown Court having previously admitted one charge of the encouragement of terrorism following an investigation carried out by Counter Terrorism Policing East Midlands.

The posts were seen by officers while Mahboobshah was already being investigated in relation to other non-related matters.

The online posts were made between October 8 and November 5 last year and Leicestershire Police said they were “deemed to be encouragement or inducement to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism.”

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