German court jails IS bride for crimes against humanity A Bavarian court has handed a 10-year prison sentence to a German woman who allowed a 5-year-old Yazidi 'slave' girl to die of thirst.

(Deutsche Welle) The Munich Higher Regional Court has imprisoned a German woman for 10 years after hearing she stood idly by as a 5-year-old Yazidi “slave” girl was left to die of thirst in the sun.

Monday’s conviction of the 30-year-old Jennifer W. is one [of] the first anywhere in the world related to the persecution of the Yazidi community by the “Islamic State” (IS) terrorist group.

What did the court hear?

The court found Jennifer W. guilty of “two crimes against humanity in the form of enslavement,” as well as aiding and abetting the girl’s killing by failing to intervene.

The 30-year-old and her “Islamic State” (IS) husband Taha A.-J. “purchased” a Yazidi woman and child in 2015. They were kept as household “slaves” while the couple were living in IS-occupied Mosul.

(Text updated)

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