Norway intel agency: Kongsberg-type attack will happen again

(AP) Norway’s domestic intelligence agency says that such attacks as the one in the town of Kongsberg earlier this month are highly difficult to anticipate and prevent, and are likely to happen again in an open society such as Norway.

“This type of attack performed by a person on an impulse with simple means will happen again,” Arne Christian Haugstoeyl, counterterrorism chief at the agency known by the acronym PST, said in an interview with the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten on Saturday. “I think it forces a discussion about what risk we must live with in a democratic and open society.”

Five people were killed and three others wounded in the southern Norwegian town of Kongsberg on Oct. 13 as the suspect Espen Andersen Braathen, a 37-year-old Danish citizen, attacked his victims with a bow and arrows and unspecified stabbing weapons.

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