Sweden repatriates 3 women accused of ties to ISIS, 8 children from Syria

(Kurdistan 24) The Kurdish-led civilian administration in northeastern Syria, officially called the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), handed over 3 Swedish women suspected of ISIS affiliation and 8 children to a Swedish government team on Wednesday.

They “were handed over to a delegation from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to an official transfer document signed by the AANES and the Kingdom of Sweden,” the co-chair of AANES’ Foreign Relations Department, Abdul Karim Omar, tweeted on Thursday.

Also on Monday, the Kurdish-led civilian administration in northeast Syria handed over three children from Islamic State (ISIS) families to a delegation from the United Kingdom.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the civilian Autonomous Administration in northeast Syria have repeatedly suggested that foreign countries should repatriate their citizens that are stuck in Syria.

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