English Montreal School Board asks court to speed up exemption from religious symbols law EMSB argues waiting for appeal process to play out is causing irreparable harm

(CBC) The English Montreal School Board was before the Quebec Court of Appeal Monday, asking for an acceleration of its exemption to Bill 21, the controversial law that prevents some civil servants in positions of authority — including teachers — from wearing religious symbols while at work.

Several groups are challenging Bill 21 in court. They lost the first round of that court battle in a decision from Superior Court Justice Marc-André Blanchard last April that upheld the law.

Blanchard made one exception. English language school boards would be exempt from Bill 21. He ruled that the desire of English boards to foster diversity by choosing who they hire was protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

But that exemption doesn’t take effect until all appeals of Blanchard’s decision have been exhausted.

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