Staff, students in this school board are learning about Islamophobia, but true test comes in real world Peel District School Board's strategy and mandated training seen as important 1st steps to be widely emulated

(CBC) Over the years, Nokha Dakroub has come face-to-face with racism and anti-Islamic hate during her work as a school trustee.

Among the most vivid incidents were a series of meetings at her Mississauga, Ont., school board in 2017, when protesters spewed Islamophobic comments and tore pages from a Qur’an in objection to a long-held policy granting Muslim students space at school for prayers.

This month, however, Dakroub is proud of a major, pioneering step the Peel District School Board (PDSB) is taking against those very sentiments: the board passed her motion to adopt an anti-Islamophobia strategy, which will include mandatory training for all PDSB staff.

“We need to continue doing work, through public education, to combat the elements of hate that exist in our society,” she said.

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