France to shut down another mosque linked to Islamist extremism

(Radio France) French Interior Minister [Gerald Darmanin] has ordered authorities to close a mosque in the north-west, following evidence it preached radical Islamism. Since the murder of teacher Samuel Paty by an Islamist a year ago, France has been cracking down on anyone suspected of spreading extremist views.

Police searched the mosque in Allonnes, near the city of Le Mans on Tuesday — a day before the prefecture said it would be shut down because some of its 300 members were linked to radical Islamist movements who “legitimised the use of armed jihad” as well as “hate and discrimination.”

Part of the … Intercultural Center Yvon Luby, the mosque houses a Koranic school, which the prefecture considers to be a “site of indoctrination” as it “teaches armed jihad” to about 110 students.

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