The bereaved families of Bataclan victims get their chance to speak

(Radio France) Survivors of the Paris terrorist attack on the Bataclan concert hall in November 2015 continue to testify before the special criminal court where 20 men are being tried for alleged involvement in the planning and preparation of a night of terror in which 130 people lost their lives.

Yesterday’s first witness began by extending his sympathies to all who lost someone on that “unforgettable night.”

In the world before 13 November 2015, he told us, he worked as a trader in London, enjoying membership of a wealthy, influential elite. Now unemployed, he lives with his mother, surviving on the RSA, the French state allowance paid to the very poor.

“I’m as dependent on my mother now as when I was five years old.” Adapting to the change in his lifestyle has been, he admitted with a rueful smile, “a bit difficult.”

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