College Democrats leader under fire for anti-Semitic tweets Nourhan Mesbah faces calls to resign from student Democrats across the country

(Free Beacon) A College Democrats of America leader is facing pressure to resign after her anti-Semitic tweets resurfaced.

Just one day before Nourhan Mesbah was elected vice president of the College Democrats’ executive board, the national student club’s Jewish Caucus released a screenshot of a 2016 tweet where she blamed Jews for sabotaging Hillary Clinton in a debate against Donald Trump.

“I blame this debate on the yahood,” Mesbah tweeted. “Yahood” is the Arabic word for Jews.

In her tweet, Mesbah tagged Dima Jubara, an acquaintance with a long history of anti-Semitic statements — including one 2016 tweet where she prayed that “God will kill the Jews.” The College Democrats of America Jewish Caucus called on Mesbah to drop out of the race and resign from the organization.

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