Man claiming to be former ISIS fighter arrested for threatening French police

(Breitbart) A man who claimed to be a former Islamic State fighter was arrested in Perpignan, France, after threatening to attack several police stations with a Kalashnikov rifle.

The suspect had called stations in Lyon, Strasbourg, Lille, Marseille, Bordeaux, Narbonne, and the Paris no-go suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis on September 22nd and 23rd, making similar threats.

According to a report from broadcaster BFMTV, the first several calls were made to a police station in Marseille, indicating that the suspect wanted to carry out an attack in the 15th arrondissement (district) of the city. More calls were made to a police station later that day involving similar threats.

On the 23rd, the man called multiple police stations in Lille and claimed he had been ordered to murder all of the police officers.

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