Ted Cruz slams Blinken over Afghan child brides: ‘You brought a crisis to America’

(NY Post) Sen. Ted Cruz confronted Secretary of State Antony Blinken about child brides being brought to the United States from Afghanistan amid the chaotic withdrawal by the Biden administration, demanding to know what guidance the State Department has been provided to rescue minors among the evacuees that have been victims of sexual abuse.

The Texas Republican argued that the Biden administration has failed to properly vet Afghans who were evacuated and brought to the United States following the fall of the country’s government to the Taliban, potentially bringing “a humanitarian crisis to America.”

“Not only did you fail to evacuate Americans and green card holders who were there, but you also brought in tens of thousands of Afghans who had wholly inadequate vetting, bringing many of them to the United States.,” Cruz charged during an often heated Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing Tuesday.

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