Republican lawmaker presses DHS on Afghan refugees flagged for terror ties Rep. Mark Green also requests info on reports of 'sexual assault, theft, and violence in evacuee processing facilities'

(Free Beacon) A Republican lawmaker is demanding the Department of Homeland Security address reports that some Afghan asylum seekers are on terror watchlists and have been accused of sexual assault, according to a letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

“According to your own words, you are the federal official responsible for Afghan evacuees,” Rep. Mark Green (R., Tenn.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee and an Afghanistan veteran, wrote to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “Your attention to these grave concerns is of paramount importance to the protection of the American homeland.”

Green is requesting Mayorkas provide information on how many evacuees U.S. authorities have flagged during the screening process and address reports of “sexual assault, theft, and violence in evacuee processing facilities.”

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