WU condemns removal of 9/11 commemorative flags as SU vice president Alkilani defends actions amid calls for disciplinary measures

(Student Life) Washington University condemned the removal of 9/11 commemorative flags from Mudd Field in a statement Saturday night but declined to say whether Student Union Vice President of Finance Fadel Alkilani, who removed the flags, would face disciplinary measures.

The condemnation came as the president of the Washington University College Republicans called for Alkilani’s expulsion from the university or other punishment and as national conservative media outlets have picked up the story.

The College Republicans had placed the 2,977 flags Friday night, with each representing a victim of the 9/11 attacks. Sophomore Nathaniel Hope saw Alkilani removing the flags on Saturday morning and started filming a video, which showed Alkilani holding multiple plastic bags containing American flags and which has circulated widely.

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