Fort Hood shooter congratulates Taliban from death row Hasan: 'I pray to Allah that He helps you implement Shariah Law fully, correctly, and fairly.'

(Fox) Nidal Hasan, the radical Islamic terrorist who murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, wrote a letter from death row, congratulating the Taliban as the terrorist group took control of Afghanistan.

In the letter — which Hasan’s attorney, retired Army Col. John Galligan, provided to Fox News — Hasan triumphantly declared, “We Have Won!!!” Hasan, who fatally injured 13 and wounded more than 30 others, wrote the letter from death row at Fort Leavenworth Prison.

“All-Praises be to All-Mighty Allah! Congratulations on your victory over those who hate for the Laws of All-Mighty God to be supreme on the land,” Hasan wrote in a message he directed Galligan to forward to Taliban leadership.

“I pray to Allah that He helps you implement Shariah Law fully, correctly, and fairly,” Hasan added.

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