Maryam Monsef falls in polls after calling Taliban ‘our brothers’

(iPolitics) After referring to the Taliban as “our brothers,” it looks as though Liberal incumbent Maryam Monsef won’t be representing her southern Ontario riding of Peterborough-Kawartha for a third term, according to a Mainstreet Research poll.

The survey, conducted on Sept. 1, asked respondents which party they’d vote for if an election were held today.

Conservative candidate Michelle Ferreri got picked by 40 per cent of respondents, while Monsef, the current minister of women and gender equality and rural economic development, trailed with 27 per cent.

NDP candidate Joy Lachica was the pick of 19 per cent of respondents. Green party candidate Chanté White got nine per cent, and the People’s Party’s Paul Lawton nabbed four per cent.

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