Rep Ilhan Omar posts photo of 9/11 attacks after deadliest day in a decade for US military In the now-deleted tweet, the progressive 'Squad' member Omar shared a New York Post cover that called her out for her comments on 9/11.

(Post Millennial) Late Thursday night, following a day which saw the deaths of 13 US service members in a terrorist attack in Kabul, the deadliest day in a decade for US military in Afghanistan, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) posted a photo of the 9/11 attacks.

In the now-deleted tweet, the progressive “Squad” member Omar shared a New York Post cover that called her out for her comments on 9/11. Omar had said: “some people did something” as regards the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Towers in 2001.

Along with the cover, she wrote: “I’m old enough to remember the right’s reaction to Ilhan Omar saying ‘some people did something’ about 9/11. I’m sure Fox News will be lambasting the former President for his comments, right?”

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