Children & Teens

Records detail sex abuse allegations against youth director at Tampa mosque A lawsuit says the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay turned a blind eye toward signs that Ehab Ghoneim drugged and molested a number of young boys

(Tampa Bay Times) A 15-year-old boy at the center of a lawsuit against the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay was raised to be a devout Muslim, active in his congregation and devoted to his prayer sessions, his lawyers say. So when his […]

Government & Politics

Rep Ilhan Omar posts photo of 9/11 attacks after deadliest day in a decade for US military In the now-deleted tweet, the progressive 'Squad' member Omar shared a New York Post cover that called her out for her comments on 9/11.

(Post Millennial) Late Thursday night, following a day which saw the deaths of 13 US service members in a terrorist attack in Kabul, the deadliest day in a decade for US military in Afghanistan, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) posted a photo of […]