Chief executive of MEND wrote: ‘Israel’s generosity is like that of Hitler’ Exclusive: Azhar Qayum, head of Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND), tells Jewish News his incendiary comment on Facebook from 2014 was 'not meant as an insult to any people.'

(Jewish News) The chief executive of Islamic advocacy group Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND) wrote that “Israel’s generosity is like the ‘generosity’ of Hitler” in an incendiary social media post.

Azhar Qayum made the claim during a heated online debate sparked by the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas.

MEND’s chief exec also supported a suggestion by another contributer to the Facebook discussion that supporting Zionism is the equivalent of backing the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan in America and the apartheid regime of South Africa.

Commenting on a suggestion Israel had been “generous” when it withdrew from Gaza in 2005, Qayum wrote: “So generous, push [four million] Palestinians off their land, then relinquish a tiny corner of it, whilst maintaining a crippling [blockade] even on that, invade every few months killing a thousand or two at will.”

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