‘I kill you’ Somali armed with knives shot by police after attacking man

(Breitbart) Police shot a 27-year-old Somali migrant in Frankfurt, Germany, who was attacking a man and threatening to kill the officers who asked him to drop his weapons.

The incident took place last weekend in the Bahnhofsviertel area of Frankfurt after the Somali had allegedly attacked another man in a building on Elbestrasse.

Police say the Somali entered the building armed with two knives and attacked a 65-year-old man in his office. The 65-year-old defended himself with pepper spray, and the 27-year-old then fled the building, German tabloid Bild reports.

The victim of the initial attack then pursued the Somali, and police were alerted to the migrant, confronting him and demanding he drop the knives he was carrying. The Somali reacted to the police stating, “I kill you,” and tried again to attack the 65-year-old.

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