CUNY professor claims Muslims will ‘erase this filth called Israel’ in anti-Semitic sermon The city university system has been dogged with allegations of anti-Semitism

(Free Beacon) An imam who serves as an adjunct professor at the City University of New York (CUNY) said in a sermon that Muslims will “erase this filth called Israel” after accusing Jews of creating a “colonial” settlement.

Mohammad Abbasi, who teaches at the CUNY School of Professional Studies, delivered the remarks in a June 25 sermon at the Islamic Center of Union City, N.J.

“So they won this time, they established their colonial project called Israel,” Abbasi said. “So here is the conclusion. I don’t want to leave you depressed. I want to give you the good news now. With the help of Allah they will erase this filth called Israel.”

Anti-Semitism has increasingly become a problem for the CUNY system.

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