Women in France fined for wearing ‘burkini’ swimsuits at pool

(Euronews) Several female activists have been fined in France for wearing “burkinis” in a Grenoble swimming pool.

Five women entered the city pool to bathe on Wednesday, causing the pool to be evacuated at the request of officials, French police said.

Grenoble city hall said the activists had blocked access to the pool and were removed and banned from entering the facility for two months.

The incident comes after a tense debate between the Grenoble mayor, Éric Piolle, and the government over full-body swimming costumes.

“Burkinis” — a swimsuit that covers the whole body except the face — have been outlawed by several French municipalities since 2016, arguing the costumes violate the country’s secular values. But activists have argued that the ban is rooted in Islamophobia.

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