Officials had been warned about assassination of Iranian activist in The Hague

(NL Times) An asylum seeker from Iran had warned the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) and possibly also the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) that an Iranian-Dutch activist would be murdered, investigative journalists from Argos and the Danish broadcaster DG discovered. Despite the warning, Ahmad Mola Nissi was assassinated in The Hague in 2017.

The asylum seeker said he had received orders from the Iranian secret service to carry out the murder. When the asylum seeker refused the order he was ordered to spy on Mola Nissi. A journalist from Argos said to the NL Times that the asylum seeker informed the IND and the AIVD immediately upon his arrival that Mola Nissi’s life was in danger. “He told them the story but there was no reaction,” the reporter said.

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