Italian court sentences 3 Syrians over Al-Nusra links

(Arab News) A court in Sardinia has sentenced three Syrian citizens for terrorist activities relating to membership of the group Jabhat Al-Nusra, now known as Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda.

The judges presiding over the case in the city of Olbia, in the north of the Mediterranean island, led by Justice Massimo Zaniboni, sentenced Daadoue Anwar, the man accused of leading the cell, to eight years in prison in absentia.

Anwar, 50, who owned a construction company in Sardinia, is still at large, having escaped from police custody in Denmark after Italian authorities issued an international warrant for his arrest.

It is alleged he and a relative who came to visit him in custody in Copenhagen switched clothes, allowing him to break free incognito.

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