Controversial anti-terrorism bill passes first reading in French parliament

(Radio France) The French National Assembly has voted in favour of a bill intended to reinforce anti-terrorism and intelligence-gathering legislation, by incorporating emergency regulations into regular law. The bill will now be examined by the upper house, the Senate.

There were 87 votes in favour, 10 against, and four abstentions.

The government has welcomed the outcome, saying the proposed legislation strengthens the legal arsenal against terrorism, while protecting individual rights and freedoms.

Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti says “terrorism is changing like some foul virus. It’s to be expected that the law will adapt to those changes.”

The opposition right-wing Républicans, who had called for tougher measures during this week’s debate on the bill, finally voted in favour “in a spirit of responsibility.” One of their MPs, Eric Ciotti, nonetheless regretted that “a chance has been missed.”

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