Senate Dems confirm anti-Israel activist to top spot at US Postal Service

(Free Beacon) Just before the Memorial Day weekend, Senate Democrats quietly confirmed a longtime anti-Israel activist to serve on the United States Postal Service’s Board of Governors, raising further questions about the Biden administration’s embrace of those who serve on the front lines in the fight to delegitimize the Jewish state.

Democrats confirmed by voice vote Friday evening Anton Hajjar, a longtime member of and legal adviser to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), a notoriously anti-Israel organization that promotes anti-Semitic canards. The group routinely and inaccurately refers to Israel as an “apartheid state,” a term meant to stoke anger at Israel, and has accused U.S. lawmakers of promoting Israel’s interests over America’s. Senate Democrats expedited Hajjar’s confirmation by waiving a parliamentary rule that allows the minority to delay a vote.

Hajjar is just the latest Biden nominee closely tied to anti-Israel causes such as the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.

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