Not enough done to prevent Utrecht tram mass shooting: Inspectorate

(NL Times) The risk of the attack in [a] Utrecht tram in 2019 could have been reduced, the Justice and Security Inspectorate concluded following an investigation into what led up to the tragedy. 37-year-old Gökmen Tanis killed four people and injured dozens of others in a mass shooting on a tram in the fourth largest Dutch city in March 2019.

He was later convicted of murder with terrorist intent, and multiple counts of attempted murder, and sentenced to life in prison.

The Inspectorate said that the police, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) and the Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) had not paid enough attention to the perpetrator in the run-up to the mass shooting even though he was already well know[n] to them as a potential threat to society, reported.

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