Finnish military hijab ban sparks debate A Finnish-Somali woman is challenging the Finnish Defence Forces' ban on headscarves.

(Yle) Twenty-year-old Helsinki resident Fardowsa Mohamud has sparked a social media firestorm by calling attention to the Finnish military’s refusal to allow women service members to wear headscarves as part of their uniform.

Mohamud said her dreams to serve as a peacekeeper were dashed after learning that Finland’s Defence Forces don’t permit headscarves with uniforms.

Mohamud applied to volunteer for military service in January and was invited to interview with the Karelia Brigade. During the interview she inquired about wearing a headscarf. She later received an email saying that hijabs were not permitted for safety reasons and that all service members must have a uniform appearance.

“I was disappointed to learn this,” she said, adding that the hijab is a part of her identity.

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