Naser Khader faces Supreme Court lawsuit in connection with calling female imam an Islamist Undeterred by defeat in the High Court last year, Sherin Khankan has continued with her bid to see justice

(Copenhagen Post) Naser Khader, who stepped down from his duties as a Konservative MP to take stress leave in April, will today begin his defence in the Supreme Court against charges that he libelled the female imam Sherin Khankan.

Like she did with an unsuccessful lawsuit in the High Court last year, Khankan will contend that Khader defamed her with a character assassination and abuse of power when he sent an email on 13 September 2017 to a group of MPs (from Radikale, SF and Alternativet) airing concerns about Exit Circle, an organisation that helps victims of psychological violence, which she chairs.

Concerns about funding

The email, which was co-signed by Venstre’s Marcus Knuth and DF’s Martin Henriksen and aired concerns about Exit Circle receiving 680,000 kroner in state support, was subsequently shared with the public, while Khader went on to make a series of posts on Facebook.

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