‘From a brother in Syria’: Melbourne nurse boasted of time in Syria with rebels

(Age) A Melbourne nurse who helped militants in Syria and posted on social media photographs of weapons and boasts of what he witnessed says he has served enough time in prison.

Adam Brookman abandoned his wife and five children in 2014 to follow his Islamic beliefs and travel to Syria, where he lived alongside Chechen rebels who were fighting against Bashar al-Assad’s government troops.

Throughout 2014 Brookman provided medical care and transport for wounded Chechen fighters and also underwent weapons training, did stints as a guard and took part in reconnaissance missions.

The Supreme Court on Friday heard Brookman provided a snapshot of his experiences in Instagram posts, which included photographs of weapons, wounded rebels and fighters’ daily lives. The posts featured passages that often began “From a brother in Syria” and included his devotion to doing … his “duty” to Allah.

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