Virginia school board member makes anti-Israel social media posts Allegations of anti-Semitism have plagued Fairfax County schools in recent years

(Free Beacon) A Fairfax County school board member referred to Israel as an “apartheid” state that “kills Palestinians” in two social media posts Thursday morning.

In posts celebrating the end of Ramadan, Fairfax County School Board member-at-large Abrar Omeish wrote that Israel is a colonizing state that “desecrates the Holy Land.” Omeish posted the same message on her public Facebook and Twitter accounts, which she uses both in her private capacity and as a district official.

“Hurts my heart to celebrate while Israel kills Palestinians & desecrates the Holy Land right now,” Omeish said in the posts. “Apartheid & colonization were wrong yesterday and will be today, here and there. May justice + truth prevail.”

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