Italy approves extradition of Nice attack suspect

(AFP) An Italian court has approved the extradition to France of a man implicated in the deadly Bastille Day attack in Nice in 2016, the AGI news agency reported.

Endri Elezi, a 28-year-old Albanian, was arrested on April 21 on a warrant from France in the southern Italian town of Sparanise, north of Naples.

He is suspected of supplying weapons to the Tunisian man who rammed a truck into a crowd in the French city of Nice on July 14, 2016, the Bastille Day national holiday, killing 86 people.

Elezi, known as “Gino,” is accused of providing Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel with an assault rifle, according to French judicial sources.

A court in Naples approved Elezi’s extradition to France late Thursday, AGI reported.

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