Mobile phone of Nice church terrorist reveals he planned to go to Paris

(Breitbart) Text messages obtained from the phone of Nice basilica terrorist Brahim Aouissaoui revealed the Tunisian illegal immigrant allegedly came to France specifically to commit an attack, and his original target was Paris.

The more than 2,000 text messages sent during Brahim Aouissaoui’s voyage from Tunisia to Nice — via the migrant landing hotspot of Lampedusa — reveal that he was in contact with someone in Paris. On October 25th, just three days before his terrorist attack that killed three people, he had written from Rome: “Tomorrow I will leave for France, the land of the disbelievers and dogs.”

After arriving in Nice on October 27th, the 22-year-old Tunisian wandered around the area of the city’s main train station and sent a text to a friend in Paris, saying: “I’m still in Nice, I want to come to where you are, to the Eiffel Tower, but the ticket is 150 euros [£130/$180].”

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