Shock in hometown of Tunisian suspect in France attack

(AFP) A Tunisian man who stabbed to death a police employee in France in a suspected Islamist attack was depressed and not devout, relatives said Saturday, expressing shock and disbelief.

They identified him as Jamel Gorchene, 36, who hailed from M’saken — the same hometown as Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who carried out a deadly attack in France in July 2016.

Bouhlel ploughed a truck into a crowd of people on the waterfront of the Mediterranean city of Nice as they celebrated Bastille Day, killing 86 before being shot dead by police.

That attack came less than a year after deadly assaults in November 2015 that saw 130 people killed in bombings and shootings across Paris, including at the Bataclan concert hall.

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