Writers, politicians come out in support of threatened Dutch-Turkish author

(Dutch News) Politicians, writers and members of religious groups have signed an online manifesto in support of a Dutch author of Turkish origin who has received death threats for her work.

Lale Gül, a 23-year-old author, has [written] a debut novel called Ik ga leven (I’m going to live my life) describing her strict Islamic upbringing in Amsterdam West and criticising many of the Turkish and Islamic traditions there.

It has provoked an extreme reaction on social media, including death threats, but also now a wave of support from prominent Dutch people. “In the Netherlands we make our own choices. We determine how to live, and with whom. You don’t have to earn your freedom, it’s yours in this country regardless of your background, origin, or faith. That includes Lale Gül,” the manifesto reads.

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