Far-right PVV wants to take constitutional rights from Muslims

(NL Times) The main focus of the election program for Geert Wilders’ PVV is still to close mosques and Islamic schools, ban the Koran, and ban Dutch people with dual nationality from voting or acting as a politician in the Netherlands, NU.nl reports.

The newspaper said it tried to get an interview with Wilders, like it did with the left-wing leaders Jesse Klaver, Lilianne Ploumen and Lilian Marijnissen earlier this week, but a suitable date could not be found. The newspaper therefore analyzed the PVV election program and Wilders’ main campaign promises.

While trying to get rid of Islam is still the PVV’s main focus, the party also promised to push billions into healthcare, to lower rents, to retain pensions, and to invest in education and security. As the PVV did not have its program calculated by central planning office CPB, it remains unclear how it will fund all these plans.

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