Italy arrests ‘forger’ over links to 2015 Paris attack

(AFP) Italian police said Monday they had arrested a 36-year-old Algerian on suspicion of belonging to the Islamic State group and helping the authors of the November 2015 Paris attacks.

The man, identified by La Repubblica newspaper as Athmane Touami, is alleged to have “guaranteed the availability of forged documents” to the Paris attackers, police said.

“The investigations have made it possible to ascertain … the proximity of the suspect to radical jihadist environments, as well as his direct support to the authors of the terrorist attacks at the Bataclan theatre,” police in the southern city of Bari said in a statement.

Some 130 people were killed and 350 wounded in a night of carnage on November 13, 2015, when Islamist suicide bombers and gunmen attacked various sites in Paris crowded with people, including the Bataclan concert hall, the Stade de France and the Le Carillon bar.

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