French parliament votes to make religious separatism an offence

(Radio France) A new offence of “separatism” was supported unanimously in the French lower house on Thursday with 130 votes in favour and 4 abstentions. The bill is part of President Emmanuel Macron’s bid to stamp out any behaviour considered contrary to “Republican values.”

The measure was a key element in a new law which was originally aimed at halting the development of what President Macron described as a “counter society” in a speech in October. Speaking in the town of Les Mureaux, he said separatism was part of a “politico-religious project” methodically pursued by Islamists.

Amid discord within Macron’s own LaRem party, the bill was renamed to focus not just on Islamism but on separatist religious behaviour in general. It is now called the “Law strengthening respect for Republican values.”

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