Case of student told to remove hijab at a Czech school comes to definitive end A Muslim student in the Czech Republic sued because she was told to remove her head covering in class.

( The Prague Municipal Court upheld a ruling by the Prague 10 District Court that halted the case of a Muslim nursing student who was not allowed to wear a hijab by her secondary school. The verdict has taken effect. The incident took place in 2013, and the suit was filed in 2016.

The court rejected the school’s appeal of the decision to close the case. A legal representative of the school said the case was political.

At first, neither the district nor municipal courts in Prague approved the student’s complaint. The case in 2019 reached the Czech Supreme Court, which returned it to the lower courts with guidance that the Czech Republic must accept and tolerate religious pluralism, and neither discriminate against any religion nor favor it unless it has a special reason.

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